Friday, September 12, 2014

Ben :: Class of 2015 :: Houston Area Senior Photographer

This was such a fun session! We took the tour of Alvin and hit several awesome locations. It's amazing what you can find location wise in the most unexpected places.  I hope you have a great year, Ben!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Summer Mini Session :: Arienne :: Alvin Area Baby Photographer

I absolutely LOVE this kid! She has been coming to me since she was a newborn and she has never had a bad session. Seriously, nothing but smiles! Every. Single. Time! How cute is she??

If you enjoy my work, please follow my blog. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thing One and Thing Two: Alvin Area Twin Photography

These little cuties are about to be 5 months old so it's been a little while since these were taken, but they are too cute not to share! Here is Austin and Blake!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Fall Specials :: Houston Area Family Photographer

Fall has finally arrived! Christy White Photography has some great offers and sessions available to you in the next few months. Be sure to contact the studio at (713)408-1207 as soon as possible to set up your sessions!

Fall Mini-Sessions are Here!

Themed On-Location Set Available 10/5 and Pumpkin Patch Sessions are Available 10/6-10/10!

It's a great time to get pictures of your little pumpkin! You can choose from a creatively designed outdoor Fall set, or we can go on-location to a local pumpkin patch. Sessions are only $75.00 and include 5 digitals. That means you can print out enough to share with everyone! Be sure to book soon! Sessions are filling fast!

No Tricks, Only Treats!

No tricks, just treats! Join us for our Halloween Charity Event this October 18th, from 10:00 till 2:00. Our event benefits the Alvin Food Pantry. Canned goods (or a $5 donation) are collected in exchange for a digital portrait of your little “trick or treater.” Your children will love the special goodies they get and you can have a free digital file taken in our special Halloween themed set! This is the first time we have done this special event. Please share with friends and family!

Pajama Studio Mini-Sessions!

This event is going to be so much fun! The event will be on November 23rd from 10:00-5:00. Be sure to schedule an appointment for you little cutie!

Family Christmas Card Mini-Sessions

Everyone wants great images for their yearly Christmas Cards! Christy White Photography is offering mini-sessions on-locations with 10 digital files for only $150.00! This is the only time of year that family mini-sessions are offered! Sessions must be booked in October or November for this special to apply. Each session is customized for your family, and you can bring your own props or share mine!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Mandy and Kyle - Maternity Session :: Houston Area Maternity Photographer

There is nothing better than when your client turns into a friend. I am so blessed to have met Mandy and Kyle as well as their family and baby. (I know everyone who knows them knows what they had, but I think I am going to wait until the birth session blog to reveal.)

I was privileged to have been able to capture not only the maternity session, but the miraculous birth session as well as newborn images! And this week, we will be doing another session because it has been nearly four months since the birth!!

Be watching for the other sessions with this amazing little family! Be sure to subscribe to my blog so you don't miss out!

Mandy and Kyle did something I never could have! They didn't find out what they were having! The suspense would have killed me!

Not only did we go on-location, but Mandy also came into the studio for a little session as well.

Allison - Danbury High School - Class of 2014 :: Houston Area Senior Photographer

Allison was one of our Seniors from last year. She graduated from Danbury High School and has already began her journey at Texas Tech this year!

If you are a 2015 Senior, NOW is the time to plan for your session! The end of the year tends to get really busy for seniors, so schedule soon! Christy White Photography would love to plan your one-of-a kind session with you today!

I have to say, I think this may be one of most favorite images ever!! I love the way the sun is shining down on her!

Allison did a great job of planning her session. She included several outfit changes as well as several locations that were special to her throughout  high school.

Allison was both a cheerleader and softball player for Danbury. 

 Ready for Texas Tech!

Best wishes in all of your future endeavors, Allison! We know you are going to do AWESOME!

If you enjoy my work, please follow my blog!

Abram is One! :: Houston Area Baby Photographer

Ok. I am going to admit it. I am the WORST ever when it comes to keeping up with blog posts. The sad thing is, I actually enjoy writing them. I am just horrible about sitting down to do it! I am honestly, really and truly going to make a big effort to keep up with my blog! With that being said, I am going to be posting a LOT of catch-up posts from the past, oh...six moths! I know! It's terrible!! With that being said...

Here is Abram! {We won't mention that Abram is almost 18 months already!} I love it when babies let their personalities show during a session, and Abram didn't have a shy bone in his little body! He loved riding the little rocking horse and playing with his big sister. He especially loved the awesome cake that his mom made him! She did such a great job!

I absolutely love his sweet little smile in this image! 

Look at those cute little toes!! They just don't stay little long enough!

Oh my!! These eyes!!

Remember me mentioning personality? Well, here you go!

I love these sweet ones of Abram with his big sister! She is such a cutie!

And, finally, the cake smash!