Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Time has Come...

"I am not going back to teaching in the Fall. I am going to be a full-time photographer."

I'll be honest. I keep repeating these two sentences over and over in my head. Every time I do, I feel a strange mixture of excitement and all-out fear.

I have to say, I wasn't sure that I'd ever really be here.  This is a HUGE jump. After all, I'm walking away from something that is so reliable and secure. But, I think I am ready. After being a full-time educator for the past 17 or so years, I am finally going to be a full-time photographer! I am so excited! (And scared, but that's a good thing, right?)

There are so many reasons why this is such a great change for me. Lucky for you, I'm only going to tell you my top 5!

Reason Number 5:

I can FINALLY, finally, make a day in my schedule to post all my sessions to my Blog! I love to write. Honestly, it's one of my other huge passions right after photography. However, when I was teaching full-time, it was a choice between editing the pictures or writing about them. And well, people do tend to want their prints! So, please, follow this Blog! I promise,I'll keep up with it!

Reason Number 4:

I can do newborn sessions in the morning! AND during the week! I am so excited to be able to send my babies off to school and come take pictures of your baby! There is nothing better than soft morning light and a sleepy newborn! I mean who wouldn't look forward to this!

Reason Number 3:

I can go location scouting! On my own! Or maybe...with a friend! As much as I love my three children, taking them to look for new locations is, well, not much fun sometimes. It ranks somewhere between grocery shopping and getting the oil changed. To give my kids credit, they are usually pretty good at the first couple of places I stop to look at. They will let me take their pictures, and they will pose for me. But inevitably, the bickering starts. Then, the restroom break requests. Then they are thirsty. Then hungry. Then they want to know how much longer. Then...I give up and we go home!

Reason Number 2:

Stylized sessions! And modeling! I am so excited about these two things. I am teaming up with some great people (more about who later in a future blog post)to do some great sessions. Just a hint at what is in the works... A full-scale teen modeling session. This will feature several locations and will really highlight where I'm wanting to go with my senior photography sessions. Also, I am putting together a 20's Pin-up Glamour/Boudoir Session. This is going to be so much fun! Think great hotel and hair and make-up artists! I am super excited about this last session. It's something completely different, and I can't wait. I am shooting a Victorian Steam Punk Session. If you don't know what that is, think Victorian meets industrial. I can't wait to finish putting all these great sessions together!

Reason Number 1:

This is a personal reason, but so important to me. I will have more time for my family. So much of my photography work has had to be completed in the evenings or on weekends. My house right now is a mess. I am so looking forward to getting organized. The fact that I can edit and still do laundry...Huge! Working from home is going to be so great. School is out in two weeks. I can't wait for this new phase of my life to begin!

Be sure to show some love and leave a comment for me! And, if you'd like to follow this crazy journey I've set out on, please follow my Blog! It's not just going to be about photography, but the lives behind it. My clients and mine!

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