Wednesday, May 27, 2015

5 Tips for Better Pictures of Your Kids

Great everyday pictures of our kids. We all want them! But, kids are tricky. They are fast. And, let's face it, some days, picture taking is not high on their list of priorities. I have compiled a list of a few things that can help you take better pictures of you kiddos. Be sure to send me some of your results. I love seeing them in action!

1. Use the sport mode on your camera.

We all know how fast these little people can be. How many of you have taken some great pictures of your children playing, only to find out they are blurry. The sport mode on your camera uses a higher shutter speed to freeze their movements.

2. Fill the Frame

Our babies are the cutest things ever. We all agree. However much we'd like them to just stay little a  while longer, they keep doing that annoying growing up thing on us. So, tip number two is to fill the frame. Capture all those perfect little details that you want to remember forever.

3. Put Them in Water

Okay. So. Summer is coming, and we live in Texas. Make those babies happy and add water. It is sure to make things alot more fun, and make some great pictures. BUT, what if it's not summer? What if it's cold? Same basic philosophy. Do something different. Pull out the bubbles. Let them paint. Put them in the bath tub with bubble bath. Bottom line. Have fun and get them engaged. They don't need to be looking at you for a great picture. Just have that camera ready to get some awesome shots.

4. Stickers Are a Mom's Best Friend

If you have a little one and you really want a picture of the actual front of your child and not their hiney that they keep presenting to you as they turn around and stand up, buy some stickers. Or, in a pinch, even masking tape will work. Stick the sticker on their hand or foot and let the fun begin. You will have a still and focused child for at least a few seconds. a word of warning...If they are little, like under two or three, there is a VERY good chance that once the sticker comes off, it will go STRAIGHT into their mouth. So be watching closely! Here is a great shot of a little one year old who was off and running. We got this great shot by sticking a little sticker to her hand.

5. Get Down on Their Level

Kids are little. Get down on the floor. Get on eye-level with them. You will be amazed at the difference.

Have fun taking those pictures! In a future post, I will be adding some great ideas for picture taking themes.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Reid Turns One!!

I love, love,love my babies that come to me for all their milestones throughout the first year. It is the very best thing ever to watch these babies grow. Reid is one of those babies. He was a perfect little angel for me at his newborn session, and every session since. Reid is one of those amazing kids who just has this magnetic smile and personality. You can't spend 5 minutes with him and just not feel happier. Here is a year of this handsome, happy guy!

 See what I mean? Days old and already smiling!

Here he is at 3 months!!!

Six Months!!

Nine Months! Oh my goodness!! The fashion!!

And.....his cake smash session!!!

Of course, we can't leave out the washtub clean up afterwards!

Thank you so much for allowing me to capture your gorgeous baby's first year!!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Baby Blake :: Dickinson Newborn Photographer

I am loving Baby Blake's session. He is just the cutest little thing. Oh my goodness!! He is one of my Baby Plan Babies! So excited to watch him grow this year!

Baby Benjamin :: Alvin Newborn Photographer

I love sweet little Benjamin's newborn session. He was such a good little model, and I think his sister is in love!

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Gerald Family: Pearland Area Family Photographer

This was such a fun family session! This is one of my favorite locations for families. And, these kids! They are gorgeous and so full of energy!